P4eq, Exctr, Filter – Strahl D1600mkII User Manual
Page 154: Ampsim, Cabres, Tone, Cabinet, Gate deess

(Parametric 4band EQ)
This produces a wah effect. It can be controlled using an expres-
sion pedal.
If you wish to use an expression pedal to control the Wah, select
“Pedal.” For details, refer to “Using a pedal to control wah”
This is a filter with resonance, whose frequency can be moved
by an envelope.
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics of a guitar
amp. Even if you are recording your instrument via a direct line,
you can produce a realistic sound as though a guitar amp were
actually being used.
This effect simulates the acoustical characteristics and cabinet
resonances of a guitar amp speaker cabinet.
The “AmpSimulator” is ideal for direct recording.
This effect simulates the tone control section of a guitar amp. It
allows you to adjust the character of the vacuum tubes.
This effect models the speaker cabinet of a guitar amp.
*1: 1x8TW(Tweed), 1x12T(Tweed), 1x12B(Black), 1x12V(Vox), 2x12B(Black), 2x12V(Vox),
2x12C(ClassicA), 4x10T(Tweed), 4x12C(Classic), 4x12V(Vintage), 4x12M(Modern),
This effect attenuates unwanted sibilants in a vocal signal.
Fc1 (Band1 Cutoff [Hz])....................20...1.0k Sets the center frequency of Band 1
Q1 (Q)..............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 1
G1 (Gain [dB]) .................................–18...+18 Sets the gain of Band 1
Fc2 (Band2 Cutoff [Hz])....................50...5.0k Sets the center frequency of Band 2
Q2 (Q)..............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 2
G2 (Gain [dB]) .................................–18...+18 Sets the gain of Band 2
Fc3 (Band3 Cutoff [Hz])................300...10.0k Sets the center frequency of Band 3
Q3 (Q)..............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 3
G3 (Gain [dB]) .................................–18...+18 Sets the gain of Band 3
Fc4 (Band4 Cutoff [Hz])................500...20.0k Sets the center frequency of Band 4
Q4 (Q)..............................................0.5...10.0 Sets the bandwidth of Band 4
G4 (Gain [dB]) .................................–18...+18 Sets the gain of Band 4
Trim......................................................0...100 Sets the parametric EQ input level
Blend (Exciter Blend)...................–100...+100 Sets the intensity (depth) of the Exciter
Empha (Emphatic Point)......................0...140 Sets the frequency range to be empha-
EQ Trim................................................0...100 Sets the EQ input level
LEQG (Pre LEQ Gain [dB]) .............–15...+15 Sets the gain of Low EQ
HEQG (Pre HEQ Gain [dB]) ............–15...+15 Sets the gain of High EQ
FcBtm (Frequency Bottom)..................0...100 Sets the lower limit of the wah center fre-
FcTop (Frequency Top) ........................0...100 Sets the upper limit of the wah center
*Mode (Sweep Mode) ................... Auto, Pedal Switches between auto-wah/pedal con-
LFOlvl (LFO Level) .............................0...100 Sets the LFO level that is added to con-
*Speed (LFO Frequency [Hz]).........0.02...20.0 Sets the LFO speed
Reso (Resonance)...............................0...100 Sets the resonance amount
LPF (LPF) ........................................... Off, On Switches the wah low pass filter on and
Type (Filter Type) ....................LPF, BPF, HPF Selects the filter type
Sens (Sensitivity).................................0...100 Sets the sensitivity
Attack (Attack) .....................................1...100 Sets the attack level
Manual (Manual)..................................0...100 Sets the frequency to which the effect is
Reso (Resonance)...............................0...100 Sets the resonance amount
Polrty (Polarity) .........................................+, – Sets the polarity
Type (Amplifier Type) .......................AMP1...5 Selects the type of guitar amplifier
Type (Cabinet Type).................. 1 Ч 8, 1 Ч 10,
1 Ч 12, 2 Ч 12,
4 Ч 10, 4 Ч 12
Selects the type of cabinet
Depth...................................................0...100 Sets the depth of the effect
Bass (Bass) .........................................0...100 Sets the low-frequency level
Middle (Middle)....................................0...100 Sets the middle-frequency level
Treble (Treble)......................................0...100 Sets the high-frequency level
Tube (Tube Type) ................... SS, 1-99, Burn! Character of the vacuum tubes in the
power amp section of the guitar amp
Type (CabinetType) .................................... *1 Cabinet type
Air ..........................................................0-100 Models the effect of the air
Level ......................................................0-100 Output level
Presnc (Presence)...............................0...100 High-frequency level
Thrshl (Threshold) ...............................0...127 Sets the level at which the effect begins
to apply
Attack (Attack) .....................................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)...................................1...100 Sets the release time
Respo (Response) ..............................1...100 Sets the speed at which the effect will
respond to change in the input
Sense (Sensitivity)...............................0...100 Sets the sensitivity
Fc (Side Band EQ fc) ................... 500...20.0k Sets the center frequency of the side
band EQ
Q (Side Band EQ Q)...........................0.5...10 Sets the bandwidth of the side band EQ
Gain (Side Band EQ Gain) ..............–18...+18 Sets the gain of the side band EQ
Ratio (Ratio) .....................1.0:1...50.0:1, Inf:1 Sets the signal compression ratio
Thrsh (Threshold [dB]) ........................–40...0 Sets the level above which the compres-
sor is applied
Attck (Attack) .......................................1...100 Sets the attack time
Relse (Release)...................................1...100 Sets the release time
Level (Gain Adjust [dB])...........–Inf, –38...+24 Sets the output gain