Strahl D1600mkII User Manual
Page 74

Expanding or compressing a track:
Expansion/Compression Track
This command expands or compresses the specified
region (IN–OUT) of recorded track data into the specified
region (TO–END) of a specified track.
• The original data is left unchanged, and the time-
expanded/compressed result is created on another
• You can select whether or not the pitch will be
• Not only a single track, but multiple adjacent tracks of
data can be converted simultaneously.
• The converted data can be copied multiple times in
This command can be used in ways such as the follow-
• Drum loops of different tempo can be changed to the
same tempo.
• Phrases can be made to fit into a specific time length.
Procedure for expanding (Expansion) or compress-
ing (Compression) track data and copying it
Here’s how the IN–OUT range of track 1 can be convert-
ed to the length of the TO–END range of track 2, and
copied there three times.
1. Register the IN, OUT, TO, and END times.
2. Select the expansion/compression command.
In the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page, set “EditType” to
3. Select the expansion/compression mode.
Press the “Mode” button to access the dialog box.
For this example, select “Fast” and “Fixed.” Then
press the “OK” button to return to the [TRACK]
“EditTrk” tab page.
4. Select the expansion/compression source track
Set “SourceTrack” to track 1.
5. Select the expansion/compression destination track
Set “DestTrack” to track 2.
6. Specify the number of times that the data will be
Set “Times” to 3.
7. Execute the editing command.
Press the “Exec.” button.
The display will ask “AreYouSure?,” so press the
“Yes” button to execute the command.
When processing is completed, the display will indi-
cate “Completed.” Press the “OK” button.
8. Verify that the data was processed correctly.
Press the [TO/LOC3] key to play back from the TO
location, and verify that the data was expanded/
compressed correctly.
You can use Undo to return to the state before execut-
ing the command.
The longer the specified range (IN–OUT), the longer
this command will take to process until the
“Completed” display appears.
Copying an entire track/Copying to a
virtual track: Copy Whole Track
This command copies an entire recorded track (from
beginning to end) to a different entire track.
• You can copy not only one track, but multiple tracks
• The currently selected virtual track can be copied to
multiple virtual tracks.
This command can be used in ways such as the follow-
• The same track can be copied to multiple virtual tracks,
and used to create multiple takes that are partially dif-
Procedure for copying an entire track
Here’s how track 1 can be copied to virtual track “a”
(=currently selected) of track 2.
1. Select the Copy Whole command.
In the [TRACK] “EditTrk” tab page, set “EditType” to
2. Select the copy source track number.
Set “SourceTrack” to track 1.
3. Select the copy destination track number.
Set “DestTrack” to track 2.
4. Select the copy destination virtual track.
Set “DestVTrack” to virtual track “a.”
5. Execute the editing command.
Press the “Exec.” button.
The display will ask “AreYouSure?,” so press the
“Yes” button to execute the command.
When processing is completed, the display will
indicate “Completed.” Press the “OK” button.
6. Verify that the data was copied correctly.
Play back from the beginning of the song, and verify
that the data was copied correctly.
You can use Undo to return to the state before execut-
ing the command.
DestTrack DestVTrack