Sony ZS-XN30 User Manual

Page 9

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Basic Operations



• If ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3

files and MP3 files are
recorded on the same CD,
this CD player plays the

• The playback capability of

this CD player may vary
depending on the quality of
the disc and the condition of
the recording device.

• Characters that can be

displayed on this CD player
are listed below.
– A to Z
– a to z
– 0 to 9
– ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / :

; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | }

If you use other characters
on your computer using
software such as
SonicStage, they are
displayed as “–” on this CD

• On a disc that has

MP3 files, do not save files
in other formats and do not
make unneccessary groups.


Playing order of ATRAC CDs and MP3 CDs

For ATRAC CDs, files are played in the order selected in
For MP3 CDs, the playing order may differ depending on
the method used to record MP3 files on the disc. In the
following example, files are played in order of 1 to 7.

Notes on ATRAC CDs

• Maximum number of groups: 255

Maximum number of files: 999

• CD-Rs/CD-RWs recorded in the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format

cannot be played on your computer.

Notes on MP3 CDs

• Maximum number of groups: 100

Maximum number of files: 400
Maximum directory level: 8

• A group that does not include an MP3 file is skipped.
• Be sure to add the file extension “mp3” to the file name.

However, if you add the file extension “mp3” to a file other than
an MP3 file, the player will not be able to recognize the file

• This player can play bit rates of 16 to 320 kbps, and sampling

frequencies of 32/44.1/ 48 kHz. Variable Bit Rate (VBR) file
can also be played.

• To compress a source in an MP3 file, we recommend setting the

compression parameters to “44.1 kHz,” “128 kbps,” and
“Constant Bit Rate.”

• To record up to the maximum capacity, set the writing software

to “halting of writing.”

• To record to the maximum capacity at one time up on media that

has nothing recorded on it, set the writing software to “Disc at

