Profile manager – SmartBridges sB3010 User Manual
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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airHaul™ Nexus User Guide
7.1.3 NTP Time Server Setup
The device time comes from the network time information source. The device needs access to a
network timer (NTP time server) source. The NTP time server IP can be configured as follows:
1. From the
System Configuration’ page, click on the
NTP Server Setting
2. A ‘Time Settings’ page will be displayed. Click on the ‘NTP Server Settings’ link to enable
timer settings input.
3. Enter a valid NTP server IP address and select the Time Zone. The default NTP server is and the default Time Zone is Singapore.
4. Click on the
Apply Changes
button to configure the NTP.
5. The network time will appear on the browser if NTP server is contactable.
Note: Please ensure the NTP server IP is reachable from the device. Use the ping test tool from the
Tools | Link Test
to check if the NTP server can be pinged from the device. The device can
still operate without the Time Server configuration, however you will not be able to perform
Delayed Reset function.
Figure 7-4 NTP Time Settings
7.2. Profile Manager
The airHaul Nexus configuration parameters can be saved as profiles in the system. There are four
profiles available in the system:
1. Installation profile
2. Profile1
3. Profile1
4. Profile3
All the four profiles contain the same default parameters from factory settings. User can save the
current configuration to any of the four profiles, and re-load the profiles later on. User can also create
different configurations and save them as different profiles. The different profiles can also be loaded at
different based on a pre-defined calendar schedule.
The Profile Manager configuration page can be accessed from the navigation menu bar Tools | Profile
Manager drop down menu. The following figure displays the Profile Manager page.