Vehicle installation – Sirius Satellite Radio SDSV6V1 User Manual
Page 50

vi . The FM channel you selected
will be confirmed on the display
screen . The Stratus 6 will tune to
the FM channel .
8 You should hear SIRIUS channel 184
through your vehicle’s FM radio . If
you are satisfied with the sound quality, you’re done! You are now ready
to activate your Stratus 6 .
9 If the selected FM channel doesn’t work well for you, work down the
list of FM channels until you find one that allows you to hear SIRIUS
clearly . Each time, you will need to tune your vehicle’s FM radio to the
FM channel and then set your Stratus 6 to transmit on the same FM
channel (steps 6 & 7) .
If the signal reception is good, but there is no SIRIUS audio when tuned to channel
184, verify that both the radio and your vehicle’s FM radio are tuned to the same
FM channel (steps 6 & 7) . Also ensure the chosen FM channel is a suitable one to
use in your area (step 4) . Verify that nothing is plugged into the AUDIO connector
on the PowerConnect Vehicle Dock . Refer to “Troubleshooting” on page 88 for
additional help .
Vehicle Installation
>FM2 96.3
FM3 Empty
F M C h a n n e l s