Samsung SRS600HNP User Manual
Refrigerator, User manual, Imagine the possibilities
Table of contents
Document Outline
- features of your new refrigerator
- safety information
- contents
- setting up your side-by-siderefrigerator
- operating the SAMSUNGside-by-side refrigerator
- sEtting uP tHE rEfrigErator
- using thE anti-swEat hEatEr switCh
- Usin g the Control Panel
- using tHE DigitaL DisPLay
- ControLLing tHE tEMPEraturE
- using tHE iCE anD CoLD watEr DisPEnsEr
- sHELVEs anD Bins
- storing fooD
- using tHE CooLsELECt ZonE™ DrawEr (oPtionaL)
- rEMoVing tHE frEEZEr aCCEssoriEs
- rEMoVing tHE friDgE aCCEssoriEs
- CLEaning tHE rEfrigErator
- CHanging tHE intErior LigHts
- CHanging tHE watEr fiLtEr
- using tHE Doors
- troubleshooting
- circuit diagram