Swann 8 Channel DVR H.264 User Manual

Page 23

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Remember: After making changes to the settings press/click the APPLY button.

Color Setup

You can fine tune the look of each channel individually by adjusting the HUE, BRIGHT

(brightness), CONTRAST and SATURATION values for each channel. Just select the

SETUP option under the COLOR heading to open the dialog window.
This is useful if peculiar lighting conditions, a non-standard camera or a conspicuously

colored object in the frame cause the display to be inconveniently tinted, or over/

under exposed. Basically, this will help fix something that just doesn’t look ‘right’.

Changes the color mix of the image (this can have very dramatic

results). It’s somewhat like moving through a rainbow.


Changes how light the image appears to be. However, it can’t make

the camera see further in the dark, or increase the clarity of an ill-lit



Increases the difference between the blackest black and the whitest white

in the image. Useful if sections of the image “grey out” but setting the

contrast too high will degrade image quality.

SATURATION: Alters how much color is displayed in the image. The higher the

saturation, the more bright and vivid colors will appear to be. Again,

setting this too high can degrade image quality.

LIVE Viewing - Enabling and Disabling Channels

Monitoring something that you’d rather keep private/secret/unknown to the casual

observer? No problems. You can alter which channels appear when in live viewing

mode, and which ones appear later on.
To do so is simple: simply locate the LIVE drop down menu - it only contains two

options, Enable or Disable. Simply change the value to Disable and that channel will

now appear to be blank in live viewing mode. Images on the channel in question will

still be recorded - and you’ll see it as normal in playback mode.

Displaying the Time

In the nearby LIVE TIME and RECORD TIME drop down menus, you can select whether

you want to see the time displayed on the channel in either live viewing mode or

recording, respectively. The time will always be recorded in the event list and in

the footage’s meta-data (the information included in the file such as when it was

recorded - you can access this later) - this simply changes whether or not you see it

in the main view screen.