Sega INITIAL "D" TYPE TWIN. User Manual

Page 44

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Legend of the Streets

Game Content & Rules

Battle rival characters man to man on 4 different courses. Each checkpoint you pass adds time to
the overall time limit. The first one across the finish line with the allotted time wins. If you run
out of time or cross the finish line second, you lose. Once you've defeated all 16 rival characters,
you'll get a chance to race against a hidden rival character (final battle/race). Defeat him and
you'll race for the title of street legend against the last hidden rival character (special battle/
race). Only when the title is yours will you get to see the ending.


Purchasing a card when you start the game creates your car.
The card can store all the data for one car. Information on the card
includes the player name, car, tune-up status, names of defeated rival
characters, times from Time Attack mode, Network Game records,
passwords from Time Attack mode and more.
The front of the card shows the driver (name), the car registered
to that driver, the driver's home area (areas you've mastered) and a
special 3 digit number, or KEY.

Car Tune-Ups

Depending on how well you do, points are added to your card when you use it to play in
"Legend of the Streets" mode and "Time Attack" mode. When you've accumulated enough
points, you are given the option of using those points to do tune-ups on your car to increase

Game Overview

The game is a car racing game with two different game modes: "Legend of the Streets" and
"Time Attack". By connecting two units, you can also enjoy "Network Game" play. The card
system allows players to store information such as the car, wins/loss records and car tune-up
status on a special card.