Dedicated system interconnect components, Configuring the processor, Division of memory space – SMC Networks Sharp ARM720T_LH79520 User Manual

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ARM720T_LH79520 – Sharp LH79520 SoC with ARM720T 32-bit RISC Processor

The adjacent flow chart shows the process that was followed to build this memory map in a
schematic-based FPGA design. This flow chart is only a guide, during the course of development it
is likely that you will jump back and forth through this process as you build up the design.

Place Processor

Place Interconnect

Configure Processor

to see Peripherals

(import settings from


Peripheral memory

map ready for

embedded project

(repeat process for


(peripheral n)

(peripheral 2)

Place peripheral

component on


(peripheral 1)

(Setup Pn)

(Setup P2)



(Setup P1)

The flow of connecting and
mapping the peripherals (or
memory) to the processor in
a schematic-based or
OpenBus System-based
FPGA design.

Dedicated System Interconnect Components

This process of being able to quickly build up the design and resolve the processor to memory &
peripheral interface is possible because of specialized interconnection components. On the
schematic, these are the Wishbone Interconnect and the Wishbone Multi-Master. In an
OpenBus System, these are the Interconnect and Arbiter components.

These components solve the common system interconnect issues that face the designer, these

Interfacing multiple peripheral and memory blocks to a processor (handled by the Interconnect

Allowing two or more system components, that must each be able to control the bus, to share
access to a common resource (provided by the Wishbone Multi-Master/Arbiter components)

Use of the Wishbone Interconnection Architecture for all parts of the system connecting to the
processor, contributes to the system’s ‘building block’ behavior. The Wishbone standard resolves
data exchange between system components – supporting popular data transfer bus protocols, while
defining clocking, handshaking and decoding requirements (amongst others).

With the lower-level physical interface requirements being resolved by the Wishbone interface, the
other challenge is the structural aspects of the system – defining where components sit address
space, providing address decoding, and allocating and interfacing interrupts to the processor.

For more information on the schematic-based Wishbone Interconnect and Wishbone Multi-
Master components, refer to the

CR0150 WB_INTERCON Configurable Wishbone Interconnect


CR0168 WB_MULTIMASTER Configurable Wishbone Multi-Master

core references,


For more information on the OpenBus System-based Interconnect and Arbiter components,
refer to the documents

TR0170 OpenBus Interconnect Component Reference



OpenBus Arbiter Component Reference

, respectively.

Configuring the Processor

Each configurable component has its own configuration dialog, including the different processors.
The processor has separate commands and dialogs to configure memory and peripherals, but it
does support mapping peripherals into memory space (and the memory into peripheral space), if

An important feature to point out is the Import from Schematic (or Import from OpenBus) button
in the processor’s Configure dialogs, clicking this will read in the settings from the Interconnects
attached to the processor. This lets you quickly build the memory map, as shown in the figure
earlier. You now have the memory map defined in the hardware, this data is stored with the
processor component.

The processor’s Configure dialogs include options to generate assembler and C hardware description files that can be included
in your embedded project, simplifying the task of declaring peripheral and memory structures in your embedded code. You can
also ‘pull’ the memory map configurations directly into the embedded project by enabling the Automatically import when
compiling FPGA project
option in the Configure Memory tab of the Options for Embedded Project dialog.

For more information on mapping physical memory devices and I/O peripherals into the processor's address space, refer to
the application note

Allocating Address Space in a 32-bit Processor


Division of Memory Space

As illustrated previously (Figure 4), the ARM720T_LH79520's 4GB address space is divided into seven distinct areas (or
ranges). Memory and peripheral devices defined within the FPGA design are mapped into the External Static Memory regions of
this map.

The External Static Memory region of the processor's address space runs between 4000_0000h and 5FFF_FFFFh. Within this
region, the processor provides for seven independent banks of external memory. Each bank can be up to 64MBytes in size and
access to a bank is controlled through the use of a select signal (cs0-cs6):


CR0162 (v2.0) March 10, 2008

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