Sunrise Medical User Manual User Manual

Page 9

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Administration interface

The administration interface of the sunrise surf & talk box can be accessed either through the log-in link on the CD
ROM, or with an Internet browser. The browser has to support JavaScript and CSS (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 5.5 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox).

Note: Please make sure that JavaScript is activated in your browser program.

DHCP server

The sunrise surf & talk box is equipped with its own DHCP server. The server is activated by default when it ships
from the factory. Each computer connected to the device is issued an IP address by the DHCP server.

This means that you can assign fi xed IP addresses to computers connected to the sunrise surf & talk box, directly
within their network settings. The following IP addresses are reserved, and may not be used:


• up to

Note: Please keep in mind that when you change an IP address, you no longer have the ability to access the
user interface using the log-in link on the CD ROM.

Note: If you use the sunrise surf & talk box in a network, no other DHCP server must be active in the network.

sunrise surf & talk

Your sunrise surf & talk box