Sunrise Medical User Manual User Manual

Page 43

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To restrict outgoing services:

1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out p.25).

2. Select the Firewall tab in the Security menu.

3. Next to Services, enable the Allow following outgoing services option.

4. Click the Add Service button.

5. In the Name, Type, Start Port and End Port fi elds describe the service you wish to enable.

6. Click the Save button.

7. In the same way, add to the list any other services you may wish to enable.

8. Click the OK button.

9. To leave the administrative interface, close your browser.

Additional protection through encryption.

Regardless of whether you are using a LAN connection or a WLAN connection, your data are transmitted via com-
puter networks as plain text if they have not been encrypted. Anyone with access to your network would be able
to read and manipulate the data. You can reduce this security risk to a minimum by using encryption software. This
automatically converts your data to an unreadable form.

The sunrise surf & talk box supports two types of encryption for WLAN connections:

• WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), see the following section, p. 43

• WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), see WPA encryption, p. 44

The sunrise surf & talk box also offers the following options for increasing your WLAN access security:

• Change the SSID, see Changing the SSID, p. 45

• Disable SSID transmission, see Disabling SSID transmission, p. 45

• Access control through MAC addresses, see Using address fi lters to control access, p. 46

WEP encryption

WEP encryption works by generating a key that is made known to every user on the network and is used to encrypt
and decrypt data. To maintain the effectiveness of WEP, your encryption code should be changed on a regular

How to confi gure WEP encryption

1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).

2. Select the Encryption tab in the Security menu.

3. Select the WEP 128 entry from the Encryption Mechanism list.

This is the highest security level for WEP, which ensures a maximum level of secure encryption.

4. Enter any string of characters in the Pass phrase fi eld.

The pass phrase is used to automatically generate the WEP key. The character string you enter should contain
no more than 26 characters and must not include spaces.

sunrise surf & talk

Security settings in detail