Security settings in detail – Sunrise Medical User Manual User Manual

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Security settings in detail.

Basic fi rewall protection.

Note: These basic security settings do not guarantee the security of the connection between the sunrise surf
& talk box and your PC or laptop. This is true especially if you are using a WLAN connection (see Additional
protection through encryption,
p. 43).

The sunrise surf & talk box is equipped with a fi rewall and confi gured by the manufacturer in such a way as to en-
sure that your data are protected from the moment your PC or laptop is connected. It will prevent access from the
Internet to the sunrise surf & talk box and, consequently, to your PC or laptop.
The sunrise surf & talk box fi rewall can be disabled if necessary (from the menu choose Security, then the Firewall
tab). Please note that this will also disable port forwarding. Port forwarding is defi ned within the system by fi rewall

Network Address Translation (NAT)

The sunrise surf & talk box supports NAT. NAT refers to the process of uncoupling a public IP address from a
private IP address range. Using NAT, all of the PCs or laptops in your network can share a single public IP address.
This IP address is assigned to your sunrise surf & talk box via the sunrise mobile broadband network. It is the only
IP address visible to third parties outside your network (such as on the Internet).
The local IP addresses, which are assigned to the computers in your network by the sunrise surf & talk box‘s DHCP
server, remain private and inaccessible from the Internet. In this way you are protected from external attacks.

Firewall rules

The sunrise surf & talk box fi rewall operates according to certain rules. The rules determine the incoming and
outgoing fl ow of data. The fi rewall’s basic confi guration blocks unauthorized incoming data connections from the In-
ternet while allowing outgoing data connections to the Internet. This confi guration enables you to navigate websites

Denial of service attacks (DoS)

DoS attacks fl ood your network with more requests than it can process. Although such attacks cannot damage the
PCs or laptops in your network, DoS attacks can slow down your network processes or bring them to a halt. The
sunrise surf & talk box blocks such attacks automatically. You do not need to set up fi rewall rules for incoming data
traffi c.

Restricting outgoing services

The fi rewall has been confi gured by the manufacturer to allow all outgoing services. You may, however, specify that
only certain outgoing services are to be enabled. User of your network will then be unable to use services that have
not been specifi ed.

sunrise surf & talk

Security settings in detail