Sunrise Medical User Manual User Manual
Page 18

Microsoft Windows 2000: Setting up a WLAN connection.
In order to be able to use a WLAN connection between your PC/Laptop and the sunrise surf & talk box, the follow-
ing steps are required:
1. Confi gure a WLAN connection
2. Establish a WLAN connection
3. Deactivate any proxy server
4. Confi gure encryption for the sunrise surf & talk box
5. Confi gure encryption for your PC/Laptop
Note: The following describes the setting up of a WLAN connection, as an example, for the WLAN adapter
«D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter». If you use a different WLAN adapter or a WLAN
card, please read the user documentation of the respective manufacturer also.
Step 1 – Confi gure WLAN connection
1. Click on the START button of the taskbar of your computer and select Settings > Network and Dial-up
The Network and Dial-up Connections dialogue is opened.
2. Right-click on the
Local Area Connection of your WLAN card or your WLAN adapter and select
Properties from the context menu.
The Local Area Connection Properties dialogue is opened.
3. Make sure that on the General tab the box for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is checked.
4. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on the Properties button.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialogue is opened.
5. On the General tab, click on the Obtain an IP address automatically option fi eld and then click on the OK
6. In order to save the confi guration, click on the OK button in the Local Area Connection Properties dialogue.
You will be asked, if necessary, to restart your computer.
Step 2 – Establish WLAN connection
1. Start your PC/laptop.
2. Double-click on the D-Link AirPremier symbol in the taskbar of your computer.
The D-Link AirPremier AG Utility dialogue is opened.
3. Click on the Confi guration menu
4. Enter the SSID of the sunrise surf & talk box in the SSID fi eld.
The SSID is registered as «sunrise surf & talk box» from the factory.
5. Click on the Save button.
6. Click on the Environment Overview menu.
sunrise surf & talk
Setting up connections