Snapper 1691531 User Manual

Page 4

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20. Remove the upper and lower dash hardware as


a. Remove the

screws (C, figure 6) and washers.

b. Raise the hood and loosen the two screws, plain

washers, dished washers and nuts from front side
of dash (see figure 8).

c. Remove four

and washers securing

lower dash.

d. Both dashboards can now be lifted up for access to


21. Remove the ignition switch by removing nut. Retain

lockwasher for reinstallation.

22. Reach thru the hole in top of lower dash and install

the switch (A,

I). Position the switch so that

slot in threads is up. From outside the dash, place the

on switch, aligning tab washer in slot in

F i g u r e 6 . T r a c t o r D a s h

threads. Install and tighten the nut securely.

A . W o o d B l o c k :

H a m m e r C . S c r e w s

23. Connect black switch wire to white wire from

ignition switch with connector

1) provided

Pry off the throttle control knob by using a claw

in kit.

hammer and block of wood as shown in


Remove throttle cable from left-side engine clamp.

Lift up lower dash and locate taptite screw securing

black ground wires. Route green wire (C, figure.


and washer that secures throttle

1) from switch and ground under this screw.

cable to intake manifold. Note pinch mark on cable

before removing from under capscrew. Cable must

25. Route the yellow and red wires from switch down

be reinstalled in same position for correct RPM

behind the steering shaft. Wires should follow wiring

settings. Remove cable from engine.

harness and be routed cut lower dash cutout,

19. Remove nut (A,

flatwashers (B) and

underneath shift quadrant panel and thru square,

(C) securing steering wheel to shaft. Pull

hole for seat latch. Refer to figure 5. Wires should

steering wheel off shaft.



attached to wire clip (D, figure 5).

26. Connect the yellow wire to yellow wire from cylinder.

Connect the red wire to the red wire from cylinder.

27. This completes installation of the kit. Make the

following test to see if installation is correct.

Figure 7. Steering Wheel



Flat Washers


D. Steering Wheel

E. Cap

a. Reinstall ignition switch with


b. Connect the


cables negative cable last.

Turn the ignition switch to ON.

d. Flip the

switch up, the lift arm should go back.

Flip the lift switch down, the lift arm should go


f. If switch does not check OK, disconnect the

battery cables, Then go thru the instructions and
make sure all connections are tight.

g. Reconnect the battery cables to perform above

test again. Before proceeding with following

instructions, disconnect the battery cables.

28. Reinstall lower dash with four capscrews and

washers. Position the upper dash

the fuel tank.

Install the original hardware (figure 8).