Case studies from around the world – Sony CCTV Systems User Manual
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Case studies from around the world
Portugal Expo'98
Expo'98 in Lisbon, Portugal hosted 150 countries and in four
months a total of 10 million people visited the two million square
metre site. The highest attendance was 380,000 visitors passing
through the site on the Expo's last day. In this environment
surveillance and security are critical issues, and Sony took over
the role of prime contractor with sole responsibility for project
execution, equipment supply, system installation and
maintenance during Expo'98's four month open period.
Sony installed a
network of
43 high-performance
surveillance cameras,
all with pan & tilt
capabilities suited to
outdoor operation.
The monitoring centre
had at its heart a
control and switching
system based on the
new Sony CSP-5000
matrix switcher and a
total of 24 Sony CCTV
colour monitors. A basic requirement of the system was for
continuous 24-hour recording of all incoming images.
To achieve this, Sony used five S-VHS SVT-S3050P time-lapse
VTRs and five top of the range colour multiplexers (YS-DX316P).
The network of cameras was connected to the control room
using more than 60km of copper wire and 10km of optical fibre.
All the images entering the control room were fed in to three
Sony CSPK-5000 matrix keyboards, and these pictures were
relayed to another control room where the security department's
controller could watch all the public areas on six Sony monitors.
Despite daily temperatures of up to 43 degrees Celsius, the
system never failed during the four month period of Expo'98.
City of Mississauga,
Ontario Canada
At the City of Mississauga, keeping residents secure is a top
priority. Canada's sixth largest city, located west of Toronto, is in
the midst of installing a comprehensive video surveillance
system. By the time the project is complete, more than 100
closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras will have been installed
at strategic locations throughout the city - at transportation
works yards, transit yards, community centres, libraries, parking
lots, swimming pools and bus depots.
Cameras chosen for the job were Sony SSC-DC14 and
SSC-DC54A digital colour cameras. The high resolution and
sensitivity of the cameras yield high-quality images even in
adverse lighting conditions.
The Sony SSC-DC54A capitalizes on its advanced 1/2-inch
Exwave HAD CCD chip to deliver exceptional colour accuracy
with 470 lines of horizontal resolution. Small enough to be used
in the most demanding circumstances, the chip maximizes
sensitivity, reduces smear and significantly increases S/N levels.
For Control Centre monitoring, the City of Mississauga has
installed six Sony SSM-20N1U Trinitron colour monitors.
The 20-inch versatile, rack-mountable units offer more than 500
lines of horizontal resolution for sharp pictures and auto beam
current feedback for colour stability. Built-in speakers permit
audio monitoring, and on-screen prompting provides easy,
user-friendly operation.