6optimizer – Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer User Manual

Page 6

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addition each filter is equipped with a notch-filter. Selecting

the Notch mode overrides the mode switch selector. So com-

plex combinations of filter types can be used in the same sig-

nal path. For example, a parametric filter could be combi-

ned with a High- and Low-pass and Notch filter.

When working in Notch, Band-pass, High-Pass or Low-

Pass modes, you have a choice of roll-off characteristics

which greatly extends the tonal capabilities of the

Optimizer. For example, in the Notch filter mode, you have

control over frequency and bandwidth and also over the

steepness of the sides of the notch. The depth of the Notch is

in excess of 60dB, providing an extremely high degree of

rejection compared with conventional parametric filters.

The subjective performance of certain classic equalizers is

highly dependent on the roll-off characteristics of their filter

circuitry. These equalizers sound excellent, but their circuit

topography imposes a rather fixed character on them. By

contrast, the Optimizer´s proportional-Q parametric filter

design, combined with its switchable alternative filter

modes, gives you the flexibility to emulate many different

types of equalizer. In addition, you can set up further equa-

lization types that even the best conventional equalizers can-

not provide.

To keep the control layout simple, the BoostCut control

used in Parametric mode becomes the Gentle/Steep control

in Notch, Band-Pass, High-Pass or Low-Pass modes. Turning

the control fully anti-clockwise produces a gentle roll-off

while turning it fully clockwise produces a steep-sided res-

ponse. If the control is set in the center position, the input

signal will cancel itself out completely, resulting in no out-

put. Settings between the extremes and the center (null) posi-

tion produce further useful variations in filter slope charac-

teristic, though you may need to compensate for the level

loss incurred by settings close to the center position, by tur-

ning up the Output level control.

Selecting a steep filter characteristic produces a tightly

focused, punchy tonal characteristic while choosing a gentle

slope produces a subtle change in tonality which has the

effects of adding a sonic gloss to the programme material.

We have invented a new all active output stage approach

to mixing filters: Commonly filters in parametric or graphic

equalizers mix passively resulting in increased phase distor-

The depth of the Notch

is in excess of 60dB

The Optimizer´s proportional-

Q parametric filter design,

combined with its switchable

alternative filter modes, gives

you the flexibility to emulate

many different types of equa-


The Boost/Cut control beco-

mes the Gentle/Steep control

in Notch, Band-Pass, High-

Pass or Low-Pass modes.

Turning the control fully

anti-clockwise produces a

gentle roll-off while turning it

fully clockwise produces a

steep-sided response.

The Optimizer has active

output stages for each filter

increasing phase stability
