Nnt tr ro od du uc ct tiio on n, 4optimizer – Sound Performance Lab Parametric Equalizer User Manual
Page 4

Congratulations on purchasing the Optimizer, one of the
most advanced and musical sounding parametric equalizer
currently available.
The Optimizer is a highly specialized and creative equali-
zer. In addition to familiar parametric functions, it features
a range of modes that enable it to perform Band-pass, High-
pass, Low-pass and Notch filtering. As you would expect
from SPL - the company that developed the highly acclaimed
Vitalizer psychoacoustic equalizer - the Optimizer is no ordi-
nary equalizer. It excels in both corrective and creative
applications and can produce many effects impossible to
achieve using conventional parametric equalizers. Yet it
remains very simple to operate.
The design of the Optimizer has been based on proven
psychoacoustic principles and particular regard has been
taken to the way the human hearing system perceives
sound, at all stages of development. Rather working out a
theoretically ideal filter response on paper and trying to
emulate it, we have taken a more creative tack, experimen-
ting directly with perceived sound across a wide range of fre-
The result of this creative work is an equalizer without
equal, both technically and artistically. Not only does it pro-
vide a powerful, flexible and easy-to-operate means of equa-
lizing sound, but it boasts a noise level approaching the
theoretical minimum for advanced analogue circuit design
and a dynamic range even better than 18-bit digital systems.
The filter circuits are based on an advanced state-varia-
ble filter topography which employs the "proportional-Q"
principle, active output stages for each filter-band and the
new "roll-off"-function to produce a smooth and linear phase
response giving the Optimizer unsurpassed musicality and
sonic transparency.
Rather than employing the standard "constant-Q" equali-
zer design commonly used in sound reinforcement and room
equalizers, the Optimizer works on the proportional-Q prin-
ciple. The advantage of proportional-Q is that it produces a
more musical result and fine tuning of the filters is much
easier. The signal level is dependent of the bandwidth setting
- eliminating the need for constant level readjustment when
designed for both
corrective and creative
applications, producing
effects impossible
to achieve using
conventional EQ.
Yet it remains
very simple to operate.
Rather working out a theore-
tically ideal filter response on
paper, we have taken a more
creative tack, experimenting
directly with perceived sound
across a wide range of fre-
The Optimizer provides a
powerful, flexible and easy-
to-operate means of equali-
zing sound.
The Optimizer produces a
smooth and linear phase res-
ponse giving unsurpassed
musicality and sonic transpa-
The advantage of
proportional-Q is that it
produces a more musical
result and fine tuning of the
filters is much easier.