Samsung SC9908 User Manual

Page 9

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0181 758 0338 (Mon-Fri)

Recording from the Internal Microphone


Ensure that the Operation switch is in the 'Manual' position.


Set the Function switch to the 'Tape' position.


Insert a blank cassette with the tape surface uppermost.


Press the Record button to commence recording.

Note : to reduce background noise it is important to speak as close as
possible to the Internal microphone

M ic


O p e ra tio n

A u to

B u z z

M a n u a l

F u n c tio n

R a d io

T a p e

O f f

P la y

R e w in d

F . F o rw a rd

R e c o rd

S to p /E je c t

P a u s e

SC9908 Instruction Book.pm6

24/10/99, 14:26