Samsung SC9908 User Manual

Page 7

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0181 758 0338 (Mon-Fri)

Listening to cassette tapes


Ensure that the Operation switch is in the 'Manual' position.


Set the Function switch to the 'Tape' position.


Press the Stop eject button to open the Cassette compartment .


Insert a pre-recorded cassette with the tape surface uppermost and the
side with the desired recording facing towards you.


Close the Cassette compartment.


Depress the Play button and adjust the Volume control to suit your
personal taste.


Adjust the Deep bass boost switch to the required position.


Use the Fast forward or Rewind buttons to locate a specific part of
the tape.


If you wish to temporarily stop the playback depress the Pause button.
When you are ready to resume playback press the Pause button a
second time.

10. To stop the tape and switch off your radio cassette press the Stop/

Eject button.

P la y

R e w in d

F . F o rw a rd

R e c o rd

S to p /E je c t

P a u s e


O p e ra tio n

A u to

B u z z

M a n u a l

F u n c tio n

R a d io

T a p e

O f f

P la y

R e w in d

F . F o rw a rd

R e c o rd

S to p /E je c t

P a u s e

V o lu m e

P la y

R e w in d

F . F o rw a rd

R e c o rd

S to p /E je c t

P a u s e

O n

O f f

SC9908 Instruction Book.pm6

24/10/99, 14:26