Oxdgc\dxk\i`xcjc`jk, Fg < i 8 k@fej – Woodstock SHOP FOX W1687 User Manual
Page 28

+% Total your list, as shown in the following example
to come up with your overall static pressure loss
number for that line.
Efk\1 8cnXpjXZZflek]fiXj\Xjfe\[]`ck\i#jfpfl
Efk\: N_\eZXcZlcXk`e^jkXk`Zgi\jjli\cfjjkf
,% Compare the total static pressure loss for that line
to the maximum static pressure loss found on the
data sheet for your machine (located toward the
front of the manual).
— If the CFM for your static pressure loss is above
the requirement of the machine, then the line will
most likely be successful. Congratulations! You've
just designed your own dust system. Compile a
list of materials and refer to
8ZZ\jjfi`\j to start
buying the components necessary to make your
system a reality.
— If the CFM for your static pressure loss is below
the requirement of the machine, then that line
will not effectively collect the dust. You must then
modify some of the factors in that line to reduce
the static pressure loss. Some of the ways to do
this include: 1) Installing larger duct, 2) reducing
amount of flexible duct used, 3) increasing
machine dust port size, 4) moving machine closer
to dust collector to eliminate duct length, and 5)
reducing 90˚ elbows or replacing them with 45˚
-I`^`[G`g\%'*. Xk)' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+I`^`[G`g\%'., Xk(' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+=c\oG`g\%)/ Xk,
++,ñ '%)), 8[[`k`feXc=XZkfij J\Xjfe\[=`ck\i %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (%''' KfkXcJkXk`ZGi\jjli\Cfjj %%%%%%%% +%+++ =`^li\*0. Totaling static pressure numbers. After the system is designed, create a materials list of The following is an example of some items that might 8ZZ\jjfi`\j for dust collection components available through your Shop Fox dealer. ;\jZi`gk`fe HlXek`kp 6" Rigid Pipe at 20' 4 4" Rigid Pipe at 10' 2 4" Flex Hose at 5' 6 6" 45° Y-Branch 6 4" 45° Elbow 6
all the items you will need to build your dust collection
sytem. This will make it easy when it comes time to
purchase the materials.
be needed. Refer to