Table of contents table of contents – Sony DSR-2000P User Manual

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WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360



Manual and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information.

Keep all manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see or call Xbox Customer Support.

Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games

Photosensitive seizures

A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to

certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in

video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may

have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic

seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness,

altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs,

disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also

cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling

down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these

symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above

symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience

these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced

by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller

screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a

doctor before playing.

Table of ConTenTs

Table of ConTenTS

ConTrolS ...................................................... 2
InTroDUCTIon ............................................... 4
DISney SIng IT baSICS ................................... 5
QUICk Play .................................................... 6
SIngle Player ............................................... 6
MUlTIPlayer ................................................. 8
PerSonalIZe .................................................. 9
TIPS ................................................................. 9
CUSToMer SUPPorT ....................................... 12
lIMITeD WarranTy ........................................ 13