John Deere 655C-ll User Manual
Page 5

Just set maximum desired ground speed
and the crawler does the rest. As the loads
change, the drivetrain responds, automatically
powering up or down to maintain peak engine
rpm and efficiency.
Innovative control system keeps
these loaders tracking straight
i n e i t h e r d i r e c t i o n o r o n l e v e l
ground or steep slopes. Delivers
smooth, predictable turns under
full load, too.
Variable ground speeds from standstill to
6.8 mph and full power turn capability give
an operator total control
for confidence
around critical structures.
Low-speed working range was increased to 4 mph
to allow most performance needs to be met in one
speed setting for faster cycle times.
Counterrotation is another advantage that’s especially
helpful for overcoming corner loads and for quickly
repositioning the bucket on-the-go. Or use it for
space-saving spot turns.