Using the travel charger, The jabra link 350 usb bluetooth adapter, Faqs and troubleshooting 11. getting assistance – Jabra GO 6430 User Manual
Page 4: Technical specifications, Glossary

Jabra GO 6430 User manUal
8. UsInG the travel CharGer ........................................................ 31
8.1 StoRinG the headSet and JabRa link 350 uSb
8.2 chaRGinG the headSet with the tRavel chaRGeR .........................................31
9. the Jabra lInK 350 Usb blUetOOth adapter ................. 32
9.1 JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR diaGRaM...........................................32
9.2 PuRPoSe of the JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR .........................32
9.3 PaiRinG the JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth
9.4 JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR viSual indicatoRS ...................33
9.5 the JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR
10. faQs and trOUbleshOOtInG .................................................... 35
11. GettInG assIstanCe ...................................................................... 37
12. teChnICal speCIfICatIOns ......................................................... 38