Daily use — calling, answering and hanging up, The jabra go headset – Jabra GO 6430 User Manual
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Jabra GO 6430 User manUal
6. daIly Use — CallInG, ansWerInG and hanGInG Up ...... 16
6.6 contRollinG the SPeakeR voluMe and MicRoPhone ................................19
6.7 SwitchinG between youR Phone and headSet ................................................20
6.9 ManaGinG call colliSionS and call waitinG ..................................................20
6.11 uSinG MS office coMMunicatoR with youR headSet ................................21
7. the Jabra GO headset ................................................................. 22
7.2 aSSeMblinG oR chanGinG the weaRinG Style ...................................................22
7.4 uSinG the headSet with otheR bluetooth deviceS .....................................23
7.12 ManaGinG bluetooth connectionS and the PaiRinG table ...............30