Product overview, System setup and connections, Installing and running the jabra pc suite – Jabra GO 6430 User Manual
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Jabra GO 6430 User manUal
1. IntrOdUCtIOn ......................................................................................5
2. ImpOrtant WarnInGs and safety InfOrmatIOn ...........6
3. prOdUCt OvervIeW ...........................................................................8
3.3 tRavel chaRGeR and JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth
4. system setUp and COnneCtIOns .......................................... 11
4.3 PaiRinG the headSet with youR Mobile Phone .................................................13
4.4 JabRa link 350 uSb bluetooth adaPteR SetuP and connection .......... 14
5. InstallInG and rUnnInG the Jabra pC sUIte ................ 15
5.6 centRal adMiniStRation and MaSS dePloyMent ..........................................15