Restrictions, Jpeg file format sent out by vn-v686 – JVC VN-V686UAPI User Manual

Page 8

background image

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--foo

Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT

Server: JVC VN-V686 Network Camera



When API is successfully received with boundary=off

VN-V686 will return 200 OK. Content-Length shows file size of first JPEG. The x-vnv686_response line indicates

actual parameters.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Length: 27616

Content-Type: image/jpeg

Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT

Server: JVC VN-V686 Network Camera



1.4. Restrictions

Access restriction

VN-V686 has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If JPEG is requested

from the IP address of access restriction, VN-V686 disconnects the TCP connection after API is sent.

Restriction by maximum bitrate of VN-V686

The maximum bitrate of VN-V686 is about 20 Mbps.

Number of clients

The maximum number of clients that can get JPEG stream depends on encode settings and requests from client. Refer

the instruction manual for detailed information.

1.5. JPEG File Format Sent Out by VN-V686

JPEG file from VN-V686 is JFIF compliant and consist of the following.