To log in to the switch the first time – Intel ZT8101 User Manual

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ZT8101 User’s Guide

Using the Telnet Console

9,600 baud

8 data bits

No parity

One stop bit

No flow control

You can also access the same functions over a Telnet interface. Once you have set an IP address for
your switch, you can use a Telnet program (in VT-100 compatible terminal mode) to access and
control the switch. All of the screens are identical, whether accessed from the serial port or from a
Telnet interface.

To log in to the switch the first time

The passwords used to access the switch are case sensitive; therefore, “S” is not the same as “s.”

When you first connect to the switch, a login screen appears.

1. In a command window, enter Telnet .

Replace with the address assigned to the switch.

2. In the Username field press Enter. There is no initial username.

3. In the Password field, press Enter. There is no initial password. The Main Menu appears.

The first created user automatically has Admin privileges. One of your first configuration tasks
should be to create at least one Admin-level user for the switch to protect it from unauthorized

Press CTRL+R to refresh the screen. This command can be used at any time to force the console
program in the switch to refresh the console screen.


If the arrow keys don’t work, check your terminal preferences and make sure you have enabled VT
100 Arrows.