Key definitions – Intermate Twinax Connection LX T-04 User Manual
Page 18

C o n f i g u r a t i o n
U s e r ‘ s G u i d e
The rest of this section is a guide to the Configuration Utility. If you want to
restart the configuration, just switch the Intermate LX T-04 off and repeat from
step 3.
Key Definitions
Intermate LX T-04 4214 version: K12-xxxx 960103
Assign Cursor keys
Intermate International A/S 1996
The first menu is for assigning the specific keys to be used in the configuration.
No other keys than the five assigned can be used. Press the key you wish to
assign when the corresponding value is highlighted. The highlight moves to the
next value after the key has been assigned. Right, Left, Up and Down are
normally assigned to the cursor keys, and Enter to the 'Enter' or 'Return' key.
When you have assigned the five keys, the Main Menu is shown.