Split-mirror online backup scenario – IBM V7.2 User Manual
Page 37

Split-Mirror Online Backup Scenario
Split-Mirror online backup scenario
This scenario starts with the SAP R/3 system TS1 running on the Primary server. The
Backup server has TS1 stopped and DB2 file systems for data and logs unmounted.
Attention: This scenario is currently not supported for databases that contain SMS
1. NFS-mount the log directory of the system where you want to restore the backup
and configure the SAP DB2 userexit program so that it copies the log files to this
directory: in the configuration file
in the directory
set the value of the variable
to the NFS-mounted log directory of the target system.
For more details on how to configure the SAP DB2 administration tools please
refer to the SAP manual SAP Database Administration Guide: IBM DB2
Universal Database for UNIX and Windows that is available at
2. Issue the suspend command on the Primary database:
db2 “connect to ts1”
db2 “set write suspend for database”
3. Execute the FlashCopy task ts1db from the Primary server as root user:
/usr/opt/ibm2105cli/rsExecuteTask.sh –v –s ESSCSS ts1db
Wait for rsExecuteTask to return.
Note: If you are at DB2 UDB V7 FP4 and above, you do not have to copy the
logs for this scenario
4. Issue the resume command from the same connection as used in Step 2:
db2 “set write resume for database”
5. Mount the data and log filesystems on the Backup server:
mount /db2/TS1/db2ts1/NODE0000
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata1
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata2
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata3
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata4
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata5
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata6
mount /db2/TS1/sapdata7
mount /db2/TS1/log_dir
Note: If you are on DB2 UDB V7 FP4 and above, you do not need to mount the
file system.
6. Start the DB2 instance on the Backup server: