Domain directory structure – Intel 1300 User Manual
Page 48
Domain directory structure
When a domain is added, the following directory is created:
where [n] is an integer starting with 1. This directory is owned by the domain
To simplify correlation between a domain's real name and domain[n], a soft link
matching the domain's FQDN is linked to the /home/domain/domain[n] directory.
This provides the administrator with easier access to the domain, and is not
required for system operation.
Domains have the following sub-directories:
Directory for binary executables (utilities and applications)
Directory for configuration files
Directory for shared application libraries
Directory for log files and the configuration file for log rotation
Directory for user home directories; each one contains a Web
directory for publishing personal Web pages.
Directory for Web files for the domain (images, CGI scripts, html,
and son on); if the domain is permitted to run CGI-based
applications, they must be placed in the
/home/domain/domain[n]/web/cgi-bin/ directory
Each user's home directory contains a web directory for publishing personal Web