Pci_shortsub2, Pci_getdllversion, 4 pci_s – ICP DAS USA PCI-P16C16 User Manual
Page 36: Hort, 5 pci_g, Ersion, 4 pci_shortsub2, 5 pci_getdllversion
4.4 PCI_ShortSub2
Performs subtraction as (like A-B) in short data types. This function
is provided for testing DLL linkage.
Syntax: float PCI_ShortSub2(short nA, short nB)
Input Parameters:
nA :2 bytes short data type value
nB :2 bytes short data type value
Return Value: the value of nA-nB
4.5 PCI_GetDllVersion
Description: Gets the version number of P16R16.DLL
Syntax: WORD PCI_GetDllVersion(Void)
Input Parameters: Void
Return Value: 201(hex) for version 2.01
PCI-P8R8/P16R16/P16C16/P16POR16 User’s Manual (Ver.2.2, 2005/5/5) …
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