Intelligent Motion Systems MFM Motion Detector User Manual
Force, Excellence in motion

Excellence in Motion
MForce PowerDrives are available
with optional closed loop con trol. This
increases functionality by adding stall
detection, position main
te nance and
fi nd index mark. The closed loop con-
fi guration offers an expanded choice of
line counts and resolutions by interfac-
ing to a remotely mounted user-sup-
plied external encoder.
Motion Control MForce PowerDrives
com mu ni cate over RS-422/485 which
al lows for point-to-point or multiple unit
con fi g u ra tions utilizing one com mu ni c-
a tion port. Addressing and hard ware
support up to 62 uniquely addressed
units com mu ni cat ing over a single line.
Baud rate is selectable from 4.8 to
Optional communication protocols
include CANopen. The CAN bus is
2.0B active (11 and/or 29 bit) and
is capable of all standard frequencies
from 10kHz to 1MHz. CANopen fea-
tures include node guarding, heartbeat
producer, SDOs and PDOs. Highlights
include variable PDO mapping and ex-
tended node identifi er.*
The versatile Motion Control MForce
PowerDrive comes with dual mounting
confi gurations to fi t various system
needs. All in ter face con nec tions are ac-
complished using pluggable locking wire
crimp connectors, with the exception of
the CANopen option which uses a DB9
connector. Optional cables are available
for ease of connecting and confi guring
the MForce, and are recommended
with fi rst order.
The Motion Control MForce PowerDrive
is a compact, powerful and inexpensive
solution that will reduce system cost,
design and assembly time for a large
range of applications.
The Motion Control MForce PowerDrive
offers system designers a low cost,
high performance microstepping driver
integrated with an in tel li gent, program-
mable motion con trol ler.
The unsurpassed smoothness and
performance delivered by MForce Pow-
erDrives are achieved through IMS's
advanced 2nd generation current
control. By applying innovative tech-
niques to control current fl ow through
the motor, resonance is signifi cantly
dampened over the entire speed range
and audible noise is reduced.
Motion Control MForce PowerDrives
accept a broad input voltage range
from +12 to +75 VDC, delivering
enhanced performance and speed.
Oversized input capacitors are used
to minimize power line surges, reduc-
ing problems that can occur with long
runs and multiple drive systems. An
extended operating range of –40° to
+85°C provides long life, trouble free
service in demanding environments.
A high, per phase output current of up
to 5 Amps RMS, 7 Amps Peak, allows
the compact MForce PowerDrive to
control a broad array of motors from
size 23 to size 42.
Standard features include eight +5 to
+24 volt general pur pose I/O lines and
the capability of electronic gearing by
following a rotary or linear axis at an
electronically controlled ratio, or an
output clock can be generated fi xed to
the internal step clock. Also included
are one 10 bit analog in
put, 0 to
5MHz step clock rate, 20 microstep
res o lu tions up to 51,200 steps per
rev o lu tion, and full fea
tured easy-to-
program in struc tion set.
• Highly Integrated, High Performance
Microstepping Driver and Motion Controller
• Advanced 2nd Generation Current
Control for Exceptional Performance
and Smoothness
• Single Supply: +12 to +75 VDC
• Low Cost
• Compact Package
• High Output Current up to 5 Amps RMS,
7 Amps Peak (Per Phase)
• Auxiliary Logic Power Supply Input
• 20 Microstep Resolutions up to
51,200 Steps Per Rev Including:
Degrees, Metric, Arc Minutes
• Open or Optional Closed Loop Control
• Programmable Motor Run and Hold Currents
• One 10 Bit Analog Input Selectable: 0 to
+10 VDC, 0 to +5 VDC, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
• 0 to 5MHz Step Clock Rate
Selectable in 0.59Hz In cre ments
• RS-422/485 or Optional CANopen*
• 62 Software Addresses for
Multi-Drop Communications
• Simple 1 to 2 Character Instructions
• 8 I/O Lines, +24 VDC Tolerant,
Sourcing or Sinking, Inputs and Outputs
• Electronic Gearing
• Open Loop or Optional External/Remote
Encoder for Closed Loop Control
• High Speed Position Capture Input or
Trip Output
• Dual Mounting Confi gurations
• Pluggable Locking Wire Crimp Interface
*CANopen may not support some objects.
[with optional CANopen]