IBM G544-5774-01 User Manual
Page 47

MO:DCA data. Print data that has been composed
into pages. Text-formatting programs such as DCF can
produce composed text data consisting entirely of
structured fields.
MO:DCA data page. A page of print data consisting
entirely of structured fields.
MO:DCA print data set. A print data set consisting
entirely of structured fields.
MO:DCA-P. Mixed Object Document Content
Architecture for Presentation.
nested resource. A resource mapped in an overlay.
OS/400. The iSeries operating system.
outline font. A font technology in which the graphic
character shapes are represented in digital form by a
series of mathematical expressions that define the outer
edges of the strokes. The resulting graphic character
shapes can be either solid or hollow. Outline fonts can
be scaled (sized) to any size. The IBM outline font
character sets have a prefix of CZ. Contrast with raster
overlay. See electronic overlay.
page. A collection of data that can be printed on a
physical sheet of paper.
page segment. A resource containing MO:DCA data
and images, prepared before formatting and included as
part of the input for a print job.
parameter. (1) A variable that is given a constant
value for a specified application and that may denote
the application. (I) (A)
(2) An item in a menu for which
the user specifies a value or for which the system
provides a value when the menu is interpreted. (3) Data
passed between programs or procedures.
pel. See picture element.
physical medium. A physical entity on which
information is presented. Examples of physical media
are display screens, paper, foils, microfilm, and labels.
picture element. An element of a raster pattern about
which a toned area on the photoconductor might
appear. See also raster pattern. Synonym for pel.
point. A unit of measurement about 1/72 of an inch;
used in measuring the height of a font. Contrast with
point size. The height of a font in points.
print job. The data that a user submits to PSF for
Print Services Facility (PSF). PSF is a licensed IBM
program that manages and controls the input data
stream and output data stream required by supported
IBM page printers. PSF manages printer resources such
as fonts, images, electronic forms, form definitions, and
page definitions, and provides error recovery for print
When printing line data, PSF supports external
formatting using page definitions and form definitions.
This external formatting extends page printer functions
such as electronic forms and use of typographic fonts
without any change to applications programs.
printable area. The area on a sheet of medium on
which print can be placed.
printer. A presentation device that produces hardcopy
output. See presentation device.
processor. In a computer, a functional unit that
interprets and executes instructions. (I) (A)
PSF. See Print Services Facility.
raster font. A font technology in which the graphic
characters are defined directly by the raster bit map.
Contrast with outline font.
record format line data. A form of line data where
each record is preceded by a 10–byte identifier.
resolution. In computer graphics, a measure of the
sharpness of an image, expressed as the number of
lines and columns on the display screen or the number
of pels per unit of linear measure.
resource. (1) A collection of printing instructions used
by PSF in addition to the print data set to produce
printed output. PSF resources include coded fonts, font
character sets, code pages, page segments, overlays,
form definitions, and page definitions. (2) Any source of
aid used for performing a task, such as disk storage
space, computer processing time, and communication
resource name. The name under which a resource
object is stored, the first two characters of which
indicate the resource type:
Coded font
Code page
Font character set