Microsoft PRO 906EX User Manual
Page 66

System Settings
❖ WINS Configuration
You can specify the WINS server settings.
If [On] is selected, specify the [WINS Server] IP address as “"
(“xxx" indicates a number).
If DHCP is in use, specify the [Scope ID].
Enter [Scope ID] using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.
• On
• Primary WINS Server:
• Secondary WINS Server:
• Scope ID
• Off
❖ IPv4 over 1394
When you use the IP over 1394 function of the IEEE 1394 interface to connect
the machine to the network, or you print from computer with the IP over 1394
driver, you must specify [Active] for [IP over 1394].
• Active
• Inactive
Printing with IP over 1394 is possible under Windows Me/XP and Windows
Server 2003.
❖ SCSI print (SBP-2)
When you print using the SCSI print client function supported by Windows
2000/XP, or Windows Server 2003, you must set [SCSI print (SBP-2)].
• Active
• Inactive
❖ Bidirectional SCSI print
Specifies the printer's response mode etc. for status requests when using the
IEEE 1394 interface.
• On
• Off
If this is set to [Off] bidirectional communication will not work.