Multi-Tech Systems RF660 User Manual

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Appendix J – License Agreements

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RouteFinderVPN RF760/660/600VPN User Guide (PN S000323D)


I will not use the Programs for, and will not allow the Programs to be used for, any purposes prohibited by United States law, including,
without limitation, for the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons of mass destruction.
Licensee agrees that by purchase and/or use of the Software, s/he hereby accepts and agrees to the terms of this License Agreement.

Multi-User Limited Warranty and License Agreement

The software contained in this package is licensed by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., to the original end-user purchaser, hereafter referred to as
Licensee, of this product for site use. A site is defined as a single business, government, or academic location, such as a building, a floor of
a building, a campus, etc., and covers no more than 250 users at that location. A licensee may be a Local Area Network administrator, MIS
director, purchasing agent, or other representative who acts on behalf of the users at that single site. This license provides for use of the
distribution diskette, other accompanying programs, where applicable, and one copy of the documentation.
The software programs and installation utilities, hereafter referred to as Software, consist of the computer program files included on the
original distribution diskette(s) or CD-ROM(s).
Licensee agrees that by purchase and/or use of the Software, s/he hereby accepts and agrees to the terms of this License Agreement. In
consideration of mutual covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
acknowledged, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., does hereby grant to the Licensee a non-transferrable and non-exclusive license to use the
Software and accompanying documentation under the following terms and conditions:
The software is furnished to the Licensee as the single site representative for execution and use on as many workstations as that single site
contains, for up to 250 users inclusively. Software and manuals may be copied, with the inclusion of the Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., copyright
notice, for use within that single site. Additional manuals may be ordered from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., for a nominal charge.
This license covers only the stipulated single site. The Licensee hereby agrees not to provide, or otherwise make available, any portion of
this software in any form to any third party without the prior express written approval of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Licensee is hereby informed that this Software contains confidential, proprietary, and valuable trade secrets developed by or licensed to
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., and agrees that sole ownership shall remain with Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
The Software and documentation are copyrighted. Except as provided herein, the Software and documentation supplied under this
agreement may not be copied, reproduced, published, licensed, sub-licensed, distributed, transferred, or made available in any form, in
whole or in part, to others without expressed written permission of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Copies of the Software may be made to replace
worn or deteriorated copies, for archival, or back-up purposes.
Licensee agrees to implement sufficient security measures to protect Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.'s proprietary interests, and not to allow the
use, copying, or transfer by any means, other than in accordance with this agreement.
Licensee agrees that any breach of this agreement will be damaging to Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Licensee agrees that all warranties, implied
or otherwise, with regard to this Software, including all warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose are expressly
waived, and no liability shall extend to any damages, including consequential damages, whether known to Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. It is
hereby expressly agreed that Licensee's remedy is limited to replacement or refund of the license fee, at the option of Multi-Tech Systems,
Inc., for defective distribution media. There is no warranty for misused materials.
If this package contains multiple media formats (e.g., both 3.5" disk(s) and CD-ROM), they are provided only to facilitate use at a single site.
Neither this Software, nor its accompanying documentation may be modified or translated without the written permission of Multi-Tech
Systems, Inc.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall prevail
regardless of the terms of any other submitted by the Licensee. This agreement supersedes any proposal or prior agreement. Licensee
further agrees that this License Agreement is the complete and exclusive Statement of Agreement, and supersedes oral, written, or any
other communications between Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., and Licensee relating to the subject matter of this agreement. This agreement is
not assignable without written permission of an authorized agent of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Copyright 2001 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
P/N 87000915 10/01

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