Link test, Time & date – Motorola Canopy Backhaul Module User Manual

Page 37

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Link Test

The Link Test is a test for measuring the throughput and efficiency of the RF link between two
Canopy modules.

To perform a link test enter a number into the field labeled “

Duration”. The duration is the number

of seconds the RF link will be tested. Start the link test by clicking the “

Start Test” button. The test

will now run for the set duration. If the web page is not set to automatically refresh, click the

Refresh Display” button to see the results. For a Canopy System link to be considered acceptable

it is necessary for the efficiencies of the link test to be greater than 90% in both the uplink and
downlink direction. It is recommended that when a new link is installed that a link test be executed
to ensure that the efficiencies are within recommended guidelines.

The key fields are:

• Downlink RATE, bits per second

• Uplink RATE, bits per second

• Downlink Efficiency, percent

• Uplink Efficiency, percent

Time & Date

This web page is utilized to set the time and date of the access point module when it is not
connected to a Cluster Management Module (CMM). The time and date would need to be set
every time there is a power cycle. The format for the entry is:


hh:mm:ss Date: mm/dd/yyyy

• hh: two digit hour in military time

• mm: two digit minute

• ss: two digit second

• mm: two digit month

• dd: two digit day

• yyyy: four digit year

Enter in the appropriate information and click the

Set Time and Date button.