1 description and operation, 1 description and operation of device, 1 application – Microsoft TM--1104-3 User Manual
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Operating Manual ТЭ3.623.912-03РЭ is intended for studying the content, operation
principle, parameters and characteristics of the ТМ-1104-3 ТЭ3.623.912-03 television
module to help correct operation and full use of the technical capabilities thereof.
For studying and operation of the ТМ-1104-3 ТЭ3.623.912-03 television module the
following additional documents should be guided by:
ТМ-1104-3 television module:
- electric connection diagram ТЭ3.623.912-03Э4;
- component list ТЭ3.623.912-03ПЭ4;
- block diagram ТЭ3.623.912-03Э2.
МТК-110МЭ television complex:
- general electric diagram ТЭ1.133.110-02Э6;
- block diagram ТЭ1.133.110-02Э2;
- operating manual ТЭ1.133.110-02РЭ.
The list of the special terms and abbreviations used in the present Manual is given in
Appendix A.
1.1 Description and Operation of Device
1.1.1 Application
The ТМ-1104-3 ТЭ3.623.912-03 television module, hereinafter referred to as "device",
when used as a part of the TV-complex is intended for:
- commutation of video signals from TVDs to TVMs of the TV-complex;
- displaying of video information from TVDs of the TV-complex on the screen of the
ВС-2 TVM, that is built into the device;
- generation and reception of control signals during data exchange via RCLI channels
with the TM-1215-4 control modules and ТМ-1213 terminal module of the TV-complex;
- generation and reception of control signals during data exchange via RCLI channels
with the ТМ-1304 combined modules of the TV-complex;
- generation and transmission of the DGP signal to the ТМ-1304 combined modules of
the TV-complex;
- reception of chronometrical information from device "Гном-2МЭ", indication of that
on the screen of the ВС-2 TVM and its transmission to the ТМ-1213 terminal module of the
TV-complex via RCLI channel;
- supplying the ТМ-1304 combined modules, TM-1215-4 control modules and
TM-1213 terminal module of the TV-complex with a feeding voltage of plus 27 V;
- gathering and processing of information on the TV-complex state;
- indication of information on the TV-complex state on the screen of the ВС-2 TVM;
- indication of information on the TV-complex state with the built-in LEDs;
- checkout of the equipment of the TV-complex during maintenance and operation.
To provide easy restoration of the device some modules and units of the BSP are built
immediately into the device.
The device provides the parameters and characteristics given below under the
following operating conditions:
- ambient temperature from 0 to 40
- relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of 35
- air pressure from 600 mm Hg to 1520 mm Hg;
- sinusoidal vibration in a frequency range of 5 to 60 Hz at an acceleration amplitude
of up to (2,0 ± 0,4)g.
P. P.