MACKIE Stereo and Mono Side chain Compressor User Manual

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User’s Guide


Stereo and Mono Sidechain Compressors for Tracktion


Mackie Software License-------------------------2

Introduction ----------------------------------------6

Main Features -------------------------------------- 6

A brief word about Compressors--------------- 7

Standard vs. Sidechain Compressors ---------- 7

Adding the Sidechain Compressor in
Tracktion --------------------------------------------8

Setting up a new Rack Filter--------------------- 8

Example 1: Compressor triggering from
another track -------------------------------------- 9

Setting up the Key Input ------------------------- 9

Setting up the Main Input----------------------- 10

Adding an EQ to the Key Input------------------ 11

Example 2: Compressor triggering from
the same track ------------------------------------ 12

Setting up the Key Input to be the same as the
main input, but with an EQ ----------------------12

Using the EQ to drop off the lows------------- 14

Sidechain Compressor Features---------------- 15

Global Controls ----------------------------------- 16

The Contour Edit Screen ------------------------ 17

Threshold --------------------------------------------17

End Point---------------------------------------------17

Compression Ratio-------------------------------- 18

Gain Makeup and Auto Makeup --------------- 18

Attack and Release ------------------------------- 18

Soft Clip On and Threshold --------------------- 19

Node Editing --------------------------------------- 19

Node Selector Knob ------------------------------ 19

Reduction Meter ---------------------------------- 20

Input and Output Meters ----------------------- 20

Input and Output OL LEDs ---------------------- 20

Examples -------------------------------------------21

Expansion --------------------------------------------21

Leveling ----------------------------------------------21

Limiting ----------------------------------------------21

Hard Knee and Soft Knee Compression ------ 22

Snare Track Compression------------------------ 22

Specifi cations--------------------------------------23

Need Help?----------------------------------------- 23

Appendix: Using Compressors ---------------- 24

Dynamic Range------------------------------------24

What a Compressor does -----------------------24

Stereo or “Program” Compressors ------------ 25

Compressor Artifacts ---------------------------- 25

Breathing ------------------------------------------- 25

Pumping--------------------------------------------- 25

Working the Knobs -------------------------------26

The Compressor as a Tone Modifi er----------- 26

The Bottom Line ----------------------------------26

User Presets -------------------------------------- 27