MACKIE Stereo and Mono Side chain Compressor User Manual

Page 12

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User’s Guide


Stereo and Mono Sidechain Compressors for Tracktion

Example 2: Compressor triggering from the same track

Tracktion's wonderful rack fi lter system lets you make the key input the same as your main input.
One application for this, is to make a De-Esser to get rid of high "Ssss" sounds on vocal tracks.
Dedicated De-Essers have more fi ne features and controls, but this will give you a basic functioning

Setting up the Key Input to be the same as the main input, but with an EQ

1. Set up the rack fi lter on track 1 (for example), as shown on page 8.

2. Drop a new fi lter inside the rack fi lter (instead of to the right of the track), and choose an EQ.

3. Inside the rack fi lter, hook up the left and right inputs, to the left

and right inputs of the EQ.