Global controls – MACKIE Stereo and Mono Side chain Compressor User Manual
Page 16

User’s Guide
Stereo and Mono Sidechain Compressors for Tracktion
Global Controls
If this is pressed, the compressor's interface
will not disappear when you select other items
or areas in Tracktion.
This hides the compressor interface from view,
and is useful if you have previously selected
Preset Toggle Buttons
You can save your own favorite settings as pre-
sets for later recall.
The up/down arrow buttons on either side of the
preset window enable you to scroll up or down
through the user presets.
Preset Title Window
This window displays the currently selected
preset. Click on it to access the pull-down menu
where you can choose your previously-saved
user presets.
If you have loaded a preset, and then moved
one of the controls, an asterisk will appear next
to its name, as a reminder that things have
changed. If it sounds good, save it as a new pre-
set for later recall. If it doesn't sound good, you
can always create the ultimate "Sucks" preset.
Pressing the MENU button opens a pull-down
menu that performs some familiar functions:
About Stereo Comp:
Opens a window that shows
the version number and copyright information.
Undo the previous action.
Redo the previous undo.
Load Comp:
Loads a previously saved preset
fi le.
Save User Preset As...:
Saves a Preset to the
hard drive with a new fi le name. (For example,
use this after making slight changes to a preset,
and saving it as a variation)
Save User Preset:
Saves changes to the current
preset to the hard drive.
Reset Comp:
Resets all the settings to the cur-
rent preset values.
Cut Comp:
Copies all the settings to the clip-
board and resets them to their default values.
Copies all the settings to the clipboard,
leaving the settings as they are.
Paste Comp:
Copies the settings from the clip-
board to the current window.
Cut/Copy/Paste are useful for changing
Mem A and B to identical settings.
Memory A/Memory B
The Mem A and Mem B buttons temporarily
store all the current settings of the compressor
to allow comparative referencing. You can also
copy and paste settings from one memory loca-
tion to another using commands found on the
Use this to engage or disengage the compres-
sor from the signal path. If the red LED is on,
the compressor is active, and any audio passing
through is affected by its settings. If the red
light is out, then the compressor is bypassed,
and it has no effect on the audio.