Scan delay time, Busy channel lockout, Marked idle enable – Midland Radio SP-300 User Manual
Page 9: Normal/inverted dcs, Standard/non-standard ctcss, Transmit time-out-timer (tot)/tx inhibit, Maxon sp-300 hand held

Page -6-
May 2001
A priority channel can be selected while programming the
radio. A priority channel is a channel that can be period
cally checked or looked back to while receiving on any chan-
nel in the scan list, or in normal operation. It can also be
selected for all transmissions during scan mode.
To transmit on a channel in the scan list, the channel selector
must be placed on the channel that the transmission is to be
made on. As a system programmable option, it is possible to
transmit on a scanned channel while the channel selector is
on the scan list channel. This is the “Normal Scan TX”
option. If this option is enabled the PTT can be pushed dur-
ing the scan wait time and the transmission will be on the
channel that was just activated. If this option is disabled, the
transmission will be on the priority channel (if there is no
priority channel programmed the transmission will be inhib-
ited and out-of-lock indicator will be issued).
Any channel, whether it is in the scan list or not, can be des-
ignated as a look back channel. When a channel is desig-
nated as a look back channel, and the channel is selected, the
radio will periodically look back to the priority channel dur-
ing reception on the selected channel. The radio does not
require a scan list to be entered in order to use this function,
however, the radio MUST have a priority channel selected
for the function to work.
• NOTE: The programmer must disallow the program-
ming of a channel as a look back channel if no priority
channel was selected.
The channel scan speed is system programmable in a range
of 50 milliseconds to 2 seconds in 10 millisecond incre-
ments. The default value is 100 milliseconds.
Scan Delay Time
Scan delay time is system programmable. The scan delay is
the time the unit remains on a scanned channel, after receiv-
ing or transmitting on that channel. The time is programma-
ble from 1 to 10 in 1 second increments. The default value is
4 seconds.
The scan delay time will be reset each time the receive chan-
nel is active and each time the PTT is pushed on that chan-
nel. As long as the conversation continues on the channel,
the receiver or the transmitter is active before the scan delay
time expires, the unit will not resume scanning.
As a programmable option, the LED on the top panel of the
unit will flash at the scan rate while in the scan mode. If the
“LED scan indication” is programmed to enable the LED
will flash. If it is programmed to disable, the LED will not
Busy Channel Lockout
If this feature is enabled, the unit will not transmit when a
carrier is present. A beep tone will sound when the PTT is
Marked Idle Enable
If this function is enabled, the unit will transmit provided
that the correct programmed CTCSS tone or DCS code has
been decoded. This function is essential for repeater opera-
Normal/Inverted DCS
This function is selected by channel during programming of
the radio. During programming of each channel of the radio,
a selective signaling option for TX and RX is selected.
When the DCS signaling option is elected, it can be selected
as either normal or inverted. The selection can be made dif-
ferently for TX and RX.
Standard/Non-Standard CTCSS
When programming a channel with CTCSS, any frequency
from 55 to 250 Hz can be selected in 0.1 Hz increments. The
radio is capable of encoding and decoding two non-standard
CTCSS tones.
Transmit Time-Out-Timer (TOT)/TX Inhibit
The time-out-timer is system programmable for 10 seconds
to 990 seconds, in 10 second increments and can also be
selected as disabled. The addition to this feature is a pro-
grammable lock-out-timer that inhibits the radio transmitter
for a specified time after the time-out time expires.
When the time-out-timer function is enabled, and the TX
inhibit function is disabled, the radio will transmit after the
time-out-timer has expired and the PTT button is released
and depressed again. With the TOT and TX inhibit, the
radio will not transmit after the time-out has expired, even if
the PTT is released and depressed again. Transmission will
not be allowed until the TX inhibit time has expired. TX
inhibit time is system programmable from 5 to 60 seconds in
5 second increments. The radio will beep one time, 5 sec-
onds before the TOT time expires. This will indicate to the
user that the transmitter is about to be locked out. If the PTT
is released and depressed again anytime before the TOT has
expired, the TOT time will be reset. If the beep tone enable/
disable is set to disable, the one beep will not be issued. The
radio will beep 4 times when the TOT time expires. After
the TX inhibit time passes, the radio will beep one final time.