Programming flash eeprom – Motorola 68HC12BC32 User Manual
Page 8

Programming Flash EEPROM
You can program your application into EEPROM so it executes automatically when you apply
power to the board as follows:
1. Make a backup copy of HELLO.ASM then use a text editor to modify it. Change the start
of the program to $8000 which is the beginning of the EEPROM. Do this by changing the
”ORG $1000” to ”ORG $8000”
2. Remove the comment ; character from before the following line to initialize the stack
pointer which is necessary when running outside of D-Bug12:
LDS #$C00 ; initialize the stack pointer
3. Add a comment ; character to the beginning of the first RTS statement, which will cause
the program to end gracefully with an endless loop:
; RTS ; return (use this only if called, from monitor
bra ENDPROG ; endless loop
4. Remove the comment ; character from before the following 2 lines at the end, to set the
reset vector to go to the beginning of the program (the label START) when powered on:
org $fffe reset vector
5. Re-Assemble HELLO.ASM as described in the "Assembling Source Code" section.
6. Select “CME12BC” under AxIDE.
7. Select the “Program” option and when prompted for a file name, enter the new
HELLO.S19 file then select [OK].
8. Set the CONFIG SWITCH positions 1,2,3,4 and 6 to ON.
9. Press the RESET button on the board then select Continue or hit ENTER. A new utilities
menu should be displayed. If you have trouble here, see the TROUBLESHOOTING
10. Set the CONFIG SWITCH position 5 ON. The red VPP light should come on.
11. When prompted to “Erase” choose Yes.
12. When finished programming, set the CONFIG SWITCH positions 1,2,3,4 and 5 OFF. The
VPP light should turn off.
13. Cycle power or press RESET on the board. Your new program should start automatically
and the “Hello World” prompt should be displayed in the terminal window.
To return to the D-Bug12 monitor program, set the CONFIG SWITCH positions 1,2,3 and 4
back ON then press RESET.