Working with geocache files, Adding other downloaded files to the list, Adding downloaded files to the list – Magellan eXplorist 500 User Manual

Page 88: Magellan geocache manager 81

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Magellan Geocache Manager


Working with Geocache Files

This is a picture of a sample geocache
file with a list of geocache points. You
can modify this list by editing,
deleting, or adding points to it.

You can also add other downloaded
geocache point files to this list but you
will need to follow the instructions
provided below.

Finally, instructions will be shown as
to how to select files and upload them
to your eXplorist.

Adding Other Downloaded Files to the List

It is possible to add downloaded files to this list. To do this you need to follow these


Click the Open Icon.


Using the Windows Open File window, select the downloaded file you want to add.


At the bottom of the window is a radio button ‘Append to existing list’. Make sure
that this button is marked.


You may get an alert asking you to ‘Save changes to ?’

Yes - Appends the geocache list and opens up a window asking you to rename
the file and indicate where you want the new file saved.

No - Appends the geocache list to the file that is open without requiring you to
do a ‘Save As...”.

Cancel - Cancels the action and no points are appended to the list.


Click the appropriate button.