The user options menu -45, Volume options -45, The user options menu – Mark Levinson N40 User Manual

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Nº40 Media Console

Menu System

The User Options Menu

The user options menu is where you can change many aspects of
the routine operation of the Nº40 Media Console to suit your indi-
vidual tastes. It also includes support for a certain amount of
custom-installation options that can vary depending on associated
equipment in the system. These menu items are explained below.

Volume Options

There are four volume-related preferences that can be set:

Max volume

Mute level



Max volume

You can set a maximum volume allowed for your system to
minimize the opportunity for damage, either to your system or to
better relations with your neighbors. (This can be an especially
helpful menu item for those with children.)

Choose the maximum volume setting you would like to be able to
use and save the change (by pressing enter, as always). If you decide
to change it again, simply revisit this menu item and reset it.

Mute level

The magnitude of volume reduction introduced by pressing the
mute key is user-definable in increments of 1 dB, from -3 to -50
decibels, as well as volume off (total muting). The factory preset is
for -20 dB.


You can select either a fast, medium or slow response for the rate at
which the volume change accelerates when pressing and holding
the volume keys on the remote control.

In all cases, single taps of the volume keys result in single incre-
mental steps in volume. The volume speed chosen affects the
amount of time it takes to reach maximum speed while holding a
volume button down.


You have the option of displaying your volume settings either of
two ways: