Chapter 5 - remote configuration, Chapter 6 - router management, Chapter 7 - warranty, service and tech support – Multitech MULTIFRAD 3100 User Manual
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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 5 - Remote Configuration
This chapter provides procedures for changing the configuration of a remote MultiFRAD. Remote
configuration allows you to change the configuration of a unit by simply connecting a PC with
communications software to a remote MultiFRAD that has communications software and a modem
connected to the command port. You can then configure the unit.
Chapter 6 - Router Management
Chapter 6 describes a typical Telnet Client application.
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service and Tech Support
Chapter 7 provides instructions on getting service for your MultiFRAD at the factory, a statement of
the limited warranty, information about our user bulletin board service, and space for recording
information about your MultiFRAD prior to calling Multi-Tech’s Technical Support personnel.