Bibliography – Philips Magnavox Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution Trigger Happy User Manual

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Trigger Happy



In addition to the works cited below, I have found
useful several non-bylined articles and reviews in the
excellent monthly videogame magazine Edge. Arcade
and MCV magazines have also been useful sources of
industry reporting.

Adorno, Theodor, and Walter Benjamin. The Complete

Correspondence, 1928–1940. Edited by Henri
Lonitz. Translated by Nicholas Walker. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1999.

Amis, Martin. Invasion of the Space Invaders. London:

Hutchinson, 1982.

Aono, Teruichi. “Shogi as Culture.” At

http://www.shogi.or. jp/english/ aono/sasc1.htm


Avedon, Elliott M., and Brian Sutton-Smith. The Study

of Games. New York: Krieger Publishing
Company, 1979.

Benedikt, Michael, ed. Cyberspace: First Steps.

Cambridge: MIT Press, 1994.