Table a-2 – Motorola and V.32bis User Manual
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A-34 Configuration Quick Reference
Table A-2.
Front Panel Configuration Options
326X Menu
Parameter &
ACU Select
Determines which Auto-Call Unit (ACU) the modem uses. To enable SDC: select an ACU
(ACU Select), a bit-synchronous data format (for the AT and V.25bis ACUs), and
Mode=Reliable, Auto Reliable, or Speed Auto Reliable (AT
The AT auto-call unit is used.
To enable SDC: after selecting AT ACU, select a data format (AT&M). The options are: Sync
Data, DTR Dial, or Man Dial. Refer to the AT&M option description in Table A-1.
The V.25bis auto call unit is used.
To enable SDC: after selecting V25b, select a data format (AT&M). The options are: AsynSync
or Bitsync (see next parameter, below).
The LPDA-2 auto-call unit is used.
After selecting LPDA (LPDA transmits data synchronously), to enable SDC, select
Mode=Reliable, Auto Reliable, or Speed Auto Reliable (AT
No auto call unit is used.
To enable SDC: after selecting None, choose a synchronous data format using the NoACU Form
option (discussed later in this table).
Determines the format of data when the ACU Select option is set to V25b.
To enable SDC: after selecting V.25bis ACU, choose one of the synchronous data formats
(AsynSync or Bitsync). Select Mode=Reliable, Auto Reliable, or Speed Auto Reliable
Modem is compatible with asynchronous DTEs.
: AsynSync
Modem dials calls asynchronously, but data is passed synchronously.
The DTE uses the bit-synchronous, HDLC-like protocol outlined in the ITU V.25bis
: Charsync
The DTE uses the character-synchronous protocol outlined in the ITU V.25bis specification.
NOTE: Charsync is not available for the SDC operating mode.
NoAcu Form
This option determines the format of data when ACU Select=off.
To enable SDC: after selecting ACU Select=None, choose NoAcu Form=Sync. Select
Mode=Reliable, Auto Reliable, or Speed Auto Reliable (AT
Asynchronous data is passed in data mode.
Synchronous data is passed in data mode.
Char Length
Applies to asynchronous data applications that use the direct data transfer mode (no error
correction). The modem ignores this option in the normal, reliable, or auto-reliable data transfer
Do not change this option unless your application requires it. If you must change it, select the
option that corresponds to the number of bits that your DTE uses to code a character (start bit,
data bits, parity bit, and stop bit) NOTE: Autobauding works only with 10-bit characters.
Modem is compatible with 8-bit characters.
Modem is compatible with 9-bit characters.
Modem is compatible with 10-bit characters.
Modem is compatible with 11-bit characters.
V25 Char
Determines the type of character the V.25bis ACU uses.
The V.25bis ACU uses ASCII character format.
The V.25bis ACU uses EBCDIC character format.
Gray shading indicates country-specific options. See Appendix C for your country’s options.