Grizzly Wood Copy Attachment G2891 User Manual

Page 18

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G2891 Lathe Copy Attachment


Move the carriage stylus to the left hand

limit of the profiled area and adjust the left

hand stop until it is in contact with the car-

riage. See figure 14. Tighten the stop with

a Phillips


head screwdriver.


Repeat the procedure for the right hand


figure 14.

Adjusting positive stops.


Once the template and the workpiece are

both securely in place, loosen the cutter in

its collar and adjust it until both the cutter

and the stylus are just touching the work-

piece evenly and the template evenly. It

is essential for accurate copying that the

cutter tip and the tip of the stylus always

remain at the same positions in relation to

the workpiece and the master profile. Slide

the carriage away from the workpiece, so

both the stylus and cutter are well away

from your work.


Ensure that everything is secure and turn

on the lathe at its slowest speed. Slowly

advance the cutting tool toward the left

edge of the workpiece. Once contact is

made, advance the cutting tool into the

copy spindle approximately




". Turn the

longitudinal handwheel so the carriage

travels from stop to stop.


After each pass, extend the cutter another




" (maximum) and repeat with another

pass. Repeat this process until the stylus

comes in contact with the template.


Watch the tool carefully as you make each

pass. If it tends to bite or gouge the work-

piece, back the cutter slightly and try again.

Be conservative when removing stock.


After you’ve made several passes with the

cutting tool, turn the lathe off and inspect

the results. It should not be tapered. If it is,

the Copy Attachment is not properly aligned

to the axis of the wood lathe. Re-align the

attachment, according to the instructions in

the Assembly and Adjustment Sections and

re-try with a new test cut.


If you are satisfied, continue to remove

material from the workpiece, using the

“downhill” cutting method shown earlier.

Remember, trying to cut “uphill” will likely

result in chipping and gouging. Don’t do it.


Continue removing stock until the work-

piece is complete. See figure 15.

figure 15.

Shaping the copy spindle.


After completing the initial copy, continue

following these procedures until all the

spindles are completed.


When all spindles are complete, remove

the Copy Attachment and replace it with

the lathe’s tool post.


Use appropriate lathe chisels to sharpen

details and smooth the turned surfaces of

each copy. Sand smooth.