Calibrating miter gauge table gap & parallelism – Grizzly G0719 User Manual

Page 27

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model g0719 (mfg. since 10/10)


Calibrating Miter


table Gap &


the miter slot must be parallel with the face of the
sanding disc. there should be a



" gap between

the edge of the table and sanding disc to prevent
the sandpaper from rubbing against the table, and
to keep fingers from being pinched.

tools needed:
Wrench 10mm .................................................... 1
ruler ................................................................... 1

to set the table gap and parallelism:

1. disCoNNeCt mAChiNe From poWer!

2. remove the guard, then loosen the six hex

bolts that secure the table to the table support

3. Adjust the table so that there is a



'' gap


figure 24) between the disc (with sandpa-

per installed) and the edge of the table along
its full length.

4. When the miter slot is parallel with the sand-

ing disc, tighten the hex bolts.

5. spin the disc by hand to check if the sandpa-

per touches the table.

iMpOrtant: DO NOT turn the disc sander

ON until you have verified that it does not
touch the table at any point in its rotation!

— if the if the sandpaper touches the table at

any point, re-adjust the table parallelism.

figure 24. table parallel with sanding disc.




(Top View)

Sanding Disc


At 90˚, the miter gauge should be perpendicular
to the face of the wheel when it is mounted in the
X-axis table slot. if it is not, follow this procedure
to recalibrate it.

tools needed:
machinist's square ............................................. 1
phillips head screwdriver ................................... 1

to calibrate the miter gauge:

1. disCoNNeCt mAChiNe From poWer!

2. Check that the miter slot is parallel to the

sanding wheel as described in

table Gap &


3. Use a try square or machinist’s square with

one edge against the face of the miter gauge
and the other against the disc face, as shown

figure 25.

4. loosen the lock knob on the miter gauge

and adjust the face of the miter gauge so it is
flush with the edge of the square, tighten the
gauge lock knob, and verify the setting.

5. loosen the degree scale pointer, position the

pointer on 90˚, and retighten the screw.

6. recheck the miter scale accuracy with the


figure 25. squaring miter gauge to disc.