Bed rollers – Grizzly G1033 User Manual
Page 16

G1033 20" Planer
Bed Rollers
After completing adjustments to the table, align
the bed rollers. The height of the bed rollers will
vary, depending on the type of material you
intend to plane. When planing rough stock, you
will need to set the rollers high to keep the lum-
ber from dragging along the bed. Milled lumber
should be planed with the rollers set lower. To
adjust the rollers correctly:
Lay a good quality straightedge across
both bed rollers, using a machinist's square
to keep the straightedge perpendicular to
the table.
Using a feeler gauge, measure the dis-
tance between the straightedge and the
table. The tolerance between the table and
the straightedge should be the same
across the table. The ideal tolerance
should be between 0'' and .015'', the larger
measurement for rougher stock.
Figure 11.
Be careful using the larger toler-
ance. Anytime the rollers are higher than
the table the potential exists for snipe, or
gouging near the end of the board
Figure 12.
Roller height adjustment.
Figure 11.
Bed roller tolerances.
Once your roller heights are corrected, re-
tighten the setscrews.
Spin the rollers and inspect for free move-
To adjust the rollers, loosen the setscrews
at the left end of the rollers and, using an
wrench, raise or lower the rollers on
their eccentric shafts to reach your desired
height across the table.
See Figure 12.
Planer knives are dangerously sharp. Use
extreme caution when working near cutting
surfaces. Failure to exercise care while
working near knives could result in severe